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                Chinese?? | English Welcome to Phoenix Mining Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.!??Customer Service Hotline:+86-21-33781259

                Product Center


                Product Center

                ? Phoenix Mining Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a Sino-US joint venture that produces and sells various types of crushing equipment, sand making equipment, milling equipment, crushing and screening equipment and other complete sets of sand and ore production line equipment. Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Phoenix Machinery Co., Ltd. was established as a joint venture. The company is located at 705 Qingda Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park (East District), Pudong New District, Shanghai. The company provides customers with one-stop crushing complete production line equipment and customized design solutions. The production base introduces foreign advanced production equipment, adapts the development and needs of the market with a scientific management system, and actively develops new technologies for new crushing equipment; company sales The team actively strives to expand the sales share in overseas markets. The team has experienced project management personnel, proficient in project management process, EPC general contract business process, product performance optimization process configuration, and provides one-to-one professional follow-up...

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                Success case

                Our advantage

                Technology R&D team

                The American technology R&D team gives you high-quality, high-quality products

                Years of production experience

                The Chinese side has more than 20 years of rich experience, and the product quality is guaranteed

                Professional design team

                It can be customized and optimized for customers free of charge

                Provide you with intimate after-sales service

                Solve product quality problems at the first time, no worries when buying products

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                Service Hotline:+86-21-33781259


                company address:Floor 4, No. 15, Lane 15, Gudan Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

                Phoenix Mining Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a Sino-US joint venture that produces and sells various types of crushing equipment, sand making equipment, milling equipment, crushing and screening equipment and other complete sets of sand and ore production line equipment. Scie...

                Copyright ? Phoenix Mining Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. All rights reserved